A Roadmap for Developing a US National PID Strategy - The Scholarly Kitchen

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-03-26


"This week a collaborative team working in partnership with the various open research organizations released a report that seeks to advance interoperability, simplify output tracking, and improve the overall process of scholarly research communication by focusing on the need for a US national strategy for persistent identifiers (PIDs). Utilizing the frameworks created by the Research Data Alliance, the Developing a US National PID Strategy report was created in collaboration with members of the Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS Open) community and the Community Effort on Research Output Tracking workstreams group organized by the Open Research Funders Group (ORFG).

Scholarly communications have advanced significantly in the past two decades. Looking over the landscape and the diversity of resources that are now shared, we have collectively moved well beyond an ecosystem where journal articles and books were the primary vehicles of scholarly communication for which researchers are recognized. Supporting this diversity is a maturing network of infrastructure, systems and data exchange protocols. A robust network of repositories for data, for software, for preprints, for methods and research protocols, as well as other grey literature has developed. Researchers can now connect many of these items with specialized persistent identifiers for these outputs, as well as linking them back to their professional profiles. These tools already provide important increases in productivity, in the FAIR-ness of the resources, in research assessment, and ultimately in the pace of scientific discovery....."



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Date tagged:

03/26/2024, 12:32

Date published:

03/26/2024, 08:32