TOME Stakeholder Value Assessment

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-03-27


"The partner associations have learned much in this pilot. We offer the following reflections to accompany Nancy Maron’s rich description of the process, relationships, and decision-making that enabled authors to produce more than 150 open-access monographs over the past five years. Among the findings that suggest a TOME-like program is worthy of programmatic implementation post-pilot include ...

The most obvious benefit of the TOME program for publishers is the baseline grant of $15,000, which at the very least reduces some of the risk posed to print sales by simultaneously releasing an open-access edition. As one publisher noted, “None of these books would be OA without the existence of a program like TOME, unless the univ[ersity] came up with other funding.” ..." 



03/27/2024, 09:26

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Date tagged:

03/27/2024, 13:26

Date published:

08/23/2023, 09:26