rOpenSci | From the Founding Director: My Farewell to rOpenSci

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-03-30


"This is a bit of a bittersweet announcement… After nearly 13 years, it’s time for me to step down as the Executive Director of rOpenSci.

In the summer of 2011 I co-founded rOpenSci alongside a group of dedicated colleagues. What began as a casual collaboration among open science enthusiasts quickly evolved into something far more meaningful. We never imagined it would become the global initiative it is today, with a team spanning the world and impacting countless researchers.

rOpenSci has become a major player in the open science and research software communities. We’ve built an ecosystem of tools that make research easier and bridge the gap between research and technology. We’ve been lucky to help many researchers not only with their research but also find fulfilling careers as software engineers. We initially focused our efforts on solving high-priority research needs, but this approach wasn’t sustainable in the long run. Around 2014, we shifted to a collaborative model, working directly with researchers to combine their domain expertise with our software development skills. This shift led to the creation of our flagship software peer-review service. It also inspired other successful initiatives like the Open JournalsPyOpenSci, and even influenced practices across various government agencies...."


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Date tagged:

03/30/2024, 09:34

Date published:

03/30/2024, 05:34