ESAC at 1000 and counting! TA registry charts global uptick in open publishing agreements

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-04-05


"The ESAC Transformative Agreement Registry has surpassed the milestone of one thousand agreements!


The ESAC Registry has so far documented the negotiations of libraries and consortia in more than 70 countries with 60+ publishers, which have enabled scholars and scientists from around the world to publish more than 1 million peer-reviewed articles immediately open access and without author-facing fees.


With well over 100 new entries since the beginning of the year, the ESAC Registry has seen a recent uptick in submissions, with contributions from libraries and consortia in, among others, the United States, South Africa, Germany and Hong Kong, and first-time agreements from Singapore, South Korea and China...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.esac oa.offsets oa.growth oa.milestones oa.monitoring

Date tagged:

04/05/2024, 09:26

Date published:

04/05/2024, 05:26