STARS EU provides training to its members on Open Science and Open Data – Stars EU
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-04-16
"One of STARS EU’s priorities is to promote open science through the extensive use of open data. In fact, these topics are part of one of the work packages of the European project that the alliance has been developing since July 2023, when it was designated European University.
For this reason, it has launched an online training programme on these topics, which will take place on 19, 22, 24 and 26 April, given by two renowned specialists in the field of open data: Eloy Rodrigues, form University of Minho (Portugal), and Ángel Delgado, from University Pablo de Olavide (Spain).
This training is specifically designed for STARS EU members responsible for Open Science and Open Data, although the sessions will be streamed, so they can also be followed by people from the allied universities interested in these topics. Details on how to follow the sessions are available on the STARS EU website.
Among other topics, the training will cover general aspects of open sciecne and open data; research data management; legal and ethical issues; models of publication and communication; and a practical session as a closure of this programme...."