MetaArXiv Preprints | Crossref as a source of open bibliographic metadata

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-04-23


Abstract:  Several  initiatives  have  been  taken  to  promote  the  open  availability  of  bibliographic  metadata  of scholarly publications in Crossref. We present an up-to-date overview of the availability of six metadata elements  in  Crossref:  reference  lists,  abstracts,  ORCIDs,  author  affiliations,  funding  information,  and license information. Our analysis shows that the availability of these metadata elements has improved over  time,  at  least  for  journal  articles,  the  most  common  publication  type  in  Crossref.  However,  the analysis  also  shows  that  many  publishers  need  to  make  additional  efforts  to  realize  full  openness  of bibliographic metadata.


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.metadata oa.crossref

Date tagged:

04/23/2024, 09:49

Date published:

04/23/2024, 05:49