Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Open Access Publishing (But Were Afraid to Ask) - The Open Learning & Teaching Collaborative

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-04-25


"Matt Cheney recently sat down with Co-Director of punctum books, Eileen A. Fradenburg Joy for a conversation about Open Access publishing: the what, the how, the why.

Founded in 2011, punctum is an independent queer- and scholar-led, community-formed, and peer-reviewed fully open-access (OA) publisher devoted to academic and para-academic authors working in any field in the humanities, social sciences, fine arts, and architecture & design. From its start, punctum has remained committed to an OA book publishing model that never charges fees to authors and that privileges cooperative expertise and knowledge sharing between librarians, knowledge managers, publishers, and scholar-researchers...."



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Date tagged:

04/25/2024, 10:07

Date published:

04/25/2024, 06:07