a figshare article - Figshare & the Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative: Progress towards enhanced NIH data sharing

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-05-07


"Generalist repositories play a critical role in the data sharing landscape, but in order to truly realize the benefits of open data, this critical infrastructure needs consistent schemas, metadata and metrics across repositories. As such, we are delighted that the NIH Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) is funding work to achieve exactly this under the Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI), an ongoing program entering its third year. GREI brings together seven generalist repositories in a collaboration with the goal of enhancing support for NIH data sharing and discovery. The GREI awardees, which in addition to Figshare include Center for Open Science, Dataverse, Dryad, Mendeley Data, Vivli, and Zenodo, are working together to establish common standards for an interoperable generalist repository landscape and to develop resources for the research community. Each repository is also working on product enhancements to implement these common standards as well as to support NIH data sharing use cases...."



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Date tagged:

05/07/2024, 17:11

Date published:

05/07/2024, 13:11