Independent society publishers and the path to open scholarship

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-05-09


"Moves to support open scholarship agendas continue apace as recent global events and changes to certain funder mandates trigger the acceleration of open access publishing models, among other initiatives to support more ‘open’ practices in support of the research sector.

As an independent society publisher navigating our own path to open scholarship, we’re pleased to outline our position and highlight the importance of society publishers to broader research endeavours.

The sharing of knowledge and expertise has always been central to the Biochemical Society and our publications are integral to the fulfilment of this objective. Publishing top-tier research and reviews across seven journals, we stand in distinction to larger commercial players in several ways, many of which can be characterised as the community-focused nature of our initiatives – we direct all our publishing surpluses back to the molecular bioscience community in support of those working across the sector...."



05/09/2024, 04:59

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

05/09/2024, 08:58

Date published:

05/30/2023, 04:59