Working towards removing barriers for LMIC researchers

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-05-10


"At Research4Life, founded over 20 years ago by a group of six publishers, we have been committed to helping bring access to research to low- and middle-income countries(LMICs). Now we have begun to turn our attention to equity for researchers. Our recent blog on the topic explains: “LMIC researchers face multifaceted challenges in gaining equal representation and participation in the global research community. One glaring issue is the limited presence of these researchers as authors, reviewers, and editors in international academic journals. Additionally, they are often marginalized when it comes to assuming key roles, such as speakers, committee members, and leaders in academic and professional societies.” In the Nature Index 2023 North–South collaboration, executives and advisors from Science for Africa, and researchers from Senegal, Cambodia, Nepal, and Haiti, provide additional examples of the obstacles that LMIC researchers face – as well as a path towards equity."


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Date tagged:

05/10/2024, 13:09

Date published:

05/10/2024, 09:09