Average Cost of College Textbooks [2023]: Prices per Year

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-05-14


"One response to rising prices is the adoption of course materials that are part of a shared resource system. These systems are most beneficial to students and faculty; meanwhile, publishers and institutions miss out on profits.

  • 13% of postsecondary institution professors require the use of open education resources (OERs) for students.
  • 39% of faculty members are aware of OER licensing.
  • 61% of professors say that over 90% of their students have access to all required course materials such as textbooks.
  • 16% of faculty have adopted free or open-source textbooks. 
  • Less than 50% of professors replace textbook material with information they wrote or from other available sources.
  • There was a shift in the teaching paradigm that was noted by professors currently preferring online materials vs. hard copy or printed textbooks for teaching. 
  • 29% of higher educational faculty require an OER in their class, and 50% of faculty rank their course material at an A or B level...."




05/14/2024, 05:20

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Date tagged:

05/14/2024, 09:20

Date published:

11/03/2023, 05:20