The forced battle between peer-review and scientometric research assessment: Why the CoARA initiative is unsound | Research Evaluation | Oxford Academic

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-05-17


Abstract:  Endorsed by the European Research Area, a Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA), primarily composed of research institutions and funders, was established in 2022. Its mission is to reform research assessment, emphasizing a shift towards qualitative judgment. This study examines the CoARA initiative from theoretical, practical, and applicative perspectives, exploring its implications. The manuscript questions a standardized way to evaluate research suitable in every context. Through empirical evidence and internal logical arguments, it challenges the supremacy of qualitative over quantitative methods in terms of robustness, accuracy, validity, functionality, and time and cost convenience in STEMM research assessment. The aim is to clear up common misunderstandings and offer insights to policymakers and decision-makers in charge of defining how research should be evaluated.


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Tags: oa.assessment oa.peer_review oa.objections oa.debates oa.coara

Date tagged:

05/17/2024, 10:57

Date published:

05/17/2024, 06:57