“Philosophy & Public Affairs” editors resign en masse

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-05-24


"The departing editors said the new, yet-unnamed journal will be “diamond” open-access, meaning it will be free for readers to read and for authors to publish in. The Open Library of Humanities—which is funded by more than 340 libraries and based at Birkbeck, part of the University of London—plans to publish it.

Arash Abizadeh, one of the resigning associate editors, told Inside Higher Ed that the diamond open-access model “is much better for our field, it’s just that it’s very difficult to get there.” Abizadeh, the R.B. Angus Professor of Political Science and an associate member of the philosophy department at Canada’s McGill University, said change requires “collective action” by leading actors in the field."



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Date tagged:

05/24/2024, 09:19

Date published:

05/24/2024, 05:19