Open Science Barcamp

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-06-14


"The Barcamp format brings together both novices and experts in Open Science. Its open format supports lively discussions, interesting presentations, development of new ideas, and knowledge exchange amongst peers; from participants who already use open ways of working and people relatively new to OS....

This Barcamp will take place the day before the 2024 edition of the Netherlands National Open Science Festival in Maastricht, based on the successful Open Science Barcamp in Germany, that has been a Satellite Event of the Berlin Open Science Conference for a decade now.

Like the Open Science Festival, participation in the Barcamp is open for all, and free of charge. You don’t have to attend the Festival in order to register for the Barcamp. Places are limited to 100 participants max. The Barcamp is organised by the network of bottom up Open Science Communities OSC-NL with financial aid from the OpenScienceNL meeting fund...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.netherlands oa.open_science

Date tagged:

06/14/2024, 09:34

Date published:

06/14/2024, 05:34