Fostering Digital Communities of Care: Safety, Security, and Trust in the Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences Commons · Vol. 3, Iss. 2 (DHSI Conference & Colloquium 2021)

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-06-15


"This paper invites further consideration of care in the networked world vis-à-vis the Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Commons, an in-development research platform by the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership.undefined Building on the work of Caroline Winter et al. (“Foundations”), we examine how open digital research commons can encourage responsible community-building and collaboration as two interrelated forms of care...."


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Tags: oa.commons oa.humanities oa.ssh oa.canada oa.communities oa.platforms oa.infrastructure

Date tagged:

06/15/2024, 10:04

Date published:

06/15/2024, 06:04