Increasing equity in financial approaches to open access: draft for comment

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-06-17


"We believe that a successful transition to OA is one where everyone can read and publish OA, and for these reasons, OASPA is now consulting the scholarly communications community on draft recommended practices to increase equity in financial approaches to OA. We know that dissolving financial barriers to participation in OA is only one aspect of equity - equity being a multifaceted concept that goes beyond equality to address all issues of cumulative advantage. This means that in addition to addressing financial inequities, it is essential that future work addresses conscious and unconscious biases, and that we work together to enrich and improve engagement routes (formats, languages, representation, governance and more), so that all scholars, based anywhere, can have a voice and participate fully as a stakeholder with influence....

Please read on for headlines, definitions and details, and let us know what you think of these draft recommended practices by 1st July 2024. Responses will be anonymised, and we are counting on your help to make these better. The revised version will then be released openly under an open and re-usable CC BY license." 


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Tags: oa.economics_of oa.business_models oa.consultations oa.oaspa oa.publishers oa.fees oa.dei

Date tagged:

06/17/2024, 12:46

Date published:

06/17/2024, 08:46