Around the World with the OABN: Colombia – Open Access Books Network

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-06-28


"In Latin America, particularly at the Universidad del Rosario (UR), fostering open research is a fundamental part of a commitment to high-quality research. This approach is characterised by being inclusive, collaborative and transparent, with the aim of having a significant and relevant impact on society. Moreover, this commitment goes further: it implies recognising and accepting that knowledge and academic progress are essential elements of a constructive process that depends on the collaboration of multiple agents. Consequently, progress in this area implies accepting the need to broaden and democratise access to this knowledge, allowing diverse communities and perspectives to contribute to this joint construction.

Therefore, for more than a decade, the Latin American region has been exploring different alternatives to integrate content into the global conversation. The Universidad del Rosario, which is at the forefront of global research, has been working on projects focused on open access in areas such as: the declaration of open access policies (2016); the publication of 10 scientific journals and 1 popular science journal in open access; the publication of books in open access resulting in a collection of 351 works; the development of information systems that contribute to the dissemination of knowledge such as the portal of scientific journals, the institutional repository, the Data repository; and the visibility of open access content through channels such as: SciELO, RedALyC, DOAJ, DOAB, DIALNET and the Digital Library of Bogotá; as well as the financing of publications in open access journals for the university’s researchers...."


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Tags: oa.oabn oa.books oa.colombia oa.latin_america oa.universities oa.south

Date tagged:

06/28/2024, 16:35

Date published:

06/28/2024, 12:35