Sharing brain imaging data in the Open Science era: how and why? - ScienceDirect
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-07-10
Abstract: The sharing of human neuroimaging data has great potential to accelerate the development of imaging biomarkers in neurological and psychiatric disorders; however, major obstacles remain in terms of how and why to share data in the Open Science context. In this Health Policy by the European Cluster for Imaging Biomarkers, we outline the current main opportunities and challenges based on the results of an online survey disseminated among senior scientists in the field. Although the scientific community fully recognises the importance of data sharing, technical, legal, and motivational aspects often prevent active adoption. Therefore, we provide practical advice on how to overcome the technical barriers. We also call for a harmonised application of the General Data Protection Regulation across EU countries. Finally, we suggest the development of a system that makes data count by recognising the generation and sharing of data as a highly valuable contribution to the community.