WG Towards Open Infrastructures for Responsible Research Assessment (OI4RRA) - CoARA
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-07-11
"Open research information is crucial for responsible research assessment, which needs data, tools, infrastructures that secure transparency, reproducibility, geographic-discipline-output coverage in data and indicators. Their sustainability, interoperability, openness, and community-based accountability are key to the reform.
This working group’s mission is to enable institutions to move from proprietary infrastructure and research information, to open (interoperable) alternatives–in support of the transition to responsible research assessment practices. This effort will take into consideration the wide range of research outputs and open science practices, and address the diversity of the global research community.
- Enrol and engage a Community of Practice (CoP) of both open infrastructure providers and Responsible Research Assessment stakeholders. The role of this CoP will include working together to develop practical solutions for optimal use of existing open infrastructures.
- Carry out systematic analysis of longer-term scenarios for moving toward open, interoperable, sustainable, community-governed OI4RRA.
- Conduct a scenario analysis, as the basis for an OI4RRA implementation plan, focusing on agreed principles , governance models that ensure inclusive and equitable participation, and sustainability models informed by a detailed analysis of the expected costs.
- Submit implementation recommendations to CoARA members and the CoARA board...."