Promoting Data Sharing: The Moral Obligations of Public Funding Agencies | Science and Engineering Ethics

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-08-07


Abstract "Sharing research data has great potential to benefit science and society. However, data sharing is still not common practice. Since public research funding agencies have a particular impact on research and researchers, the question arises: Are public funding agencies morally obligated to promote data sharing? We argue from a research ethics perspective that public funding agencies have several pro tanto obligations requiring them to promote data sharing. However, there are also pro tanto obligations that speak against promoting data sharing in general as well as with regard to particular instruments of such promotion. We examine and weigh these obligations and conclude that all things considered funders ought to promote the sharing of data. Even the instrument of mandatory data sharing policies can be justified under certain conditions."



08/07/2024, 05:56

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Hanna_S's bookmarks

Tags: oa.funders oa.policies.funders oa.ethics oa.funders oa.funders.public oa.policies oa.mandates

Date tagged:

08/07/2024, 05:50

Date published:

08/06/2024, 05:56