IPLC Launches the Siege of Gaza Web Archive – Ivy Plus Libraries

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-08-08


"The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation is pleased to announce the launch of the Siege of Gaza web archive, curated by librarians at the IPLC. On October 9th, 2023 the Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, announced the Israeli Defense Force’s intention to cut water, electricity, food, and related supplies to the Gaza Strip, referring to this military action as a “complete siege” on Gaza. Since the start of the Siege, Israel has extensively bombed and destroyed most aspects of life, from Churches to Mosques, Universities to bakeries. The archive strives to collect websites that are in danger or at-risk, as well as sites that document the human and physical destruction brought by the Siege. While the primary focus is Gaza, the curators also collected sites documenting the ongoing violence in the West Bank as well as across the Middle East region, e.g., Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen, and the many protests in the diaspora. This archive curates a collection of videos, photographs, art, music, petitions, statements, and related materials that demonstrate the destruction of lives and livelihoods...."



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Date tagged:

08/08/2024, 15:28

Date published:

08/08/2024, 11:27