Gender & Society: Call for Submissions

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-08-09


"This special issue explores the relationship between feminism, metascience, and open science, seemingly disparate areas of inquiry of contemporary significance. Over the past four decades the sociology of gender emerged as a prominent scholarly subfield. Sex and Gender is the largest American Sociological Association subsection; Gender & Society consistently tops the ranks in both sociology and women’s studies; and there is widespread recognition among sociologists that gender is a multi-level system of differentiation embedded in interactions, organizations, institutions, and societies. Simultaneously, it has become increasingly clear that social research is flawed. High-profile cases of scientific misconduct abound, established findings have proven difficult to replicate, and incongruous conclusions across publications complicate rather than clarify the literature. In response, a new field of inquiry known as metascience has flourished alongside calls for open science. Metascience entails the use of various research methodologies to study research itself, whereas open science concerns transparency across all aspects of the research process...."


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Date tagged:

08/09/2024, 09:48

Date published:

08/09/2024, 05:48