Gale Cengage Strikes Smithsonian Digitization, Distribution Deal
peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-03-03
"Gale Cengage today announced a licensing agreement with the Smithsonian Institution to distribute Smithsonian assets into the library and academic space....Menchaca said it is too early to say how the collections will be priced, but that both a purchase and a subscription model will be offered.
Gale will return copies of the digital images and metadata to Smithsonian, according to Menchaca, and is planning to make the metadata available on the Digital Public Library of America. Menchaca said the Smithsonian is also planning to continue its own digitization efforts.
Smithsonian spokesperson Linda St. Thomas told LJ that the Gale-digitized material would be made available to the public on the Smithsonian website as the rest of the Smithsonian’s collections are, under the Institution’s pioneering terms of service, which allow non-commercial use of its content, just not with the additional tools, platform, and cross-referencing that Gale is providing...."