The current state of institutional repositories in universities of Türkiye: An applied research study - Emine Cengiz Mater, 2024

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-09-27


Abstract:  The purpose of this article is to analyze the current state of institutional repositories owned by Turkish universities, identify the challenges faced by librarians responsible for managing these repositories, and propose solutions to overcome these obstacles. A survey was distributed to 181 institutions in Türkiye. Responses were received from 80 institutions. The findings revealed the difficulties experienced by librarians working in institutional repositories and the areas where they need improvement. Researchers spend too much time uploading their publications, data entry is not mandatory in institutional repository policies, copyright/ownership issues, a lack of understanding of the importance of institutional repositories, legal infrastructure deficiencies, budget constraints, and a lack of technical support are among the main challenges faced by institutions. The first three areas that institutional repositories need are budget, support and attention from university administration and adequate and competent staff. Again, the study revealed that Council of Higher Education did not fulfill its duties and responsibilities regarding institutional repositories. As a result of the study, solutions specific to the problems and needs experienced by institutional repositories have been proposed. The study aims to bridge literature gaps on repository processes in Turkish university libraries, providing insights and practical solutions for enhancing institutional repository performance.



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Tags: oa.turkey oa.repositories oa.universities oa.policies oa.policies.universities oa.infrastructure

Date tagged:

09/27/2024, 10:08

Date published:

09/27/2024, 06:08