BioOne Pilot
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-10-09
"With our mission to maximize access to critical research, BioOne has always supported sustainable pathways to open access. By offering a Subscribe to Open pilot for selected titles in BioOne Complete, we are continuing to advance this mission and increase access to content, benefiting libraries, publishers, and the wider biosciences community.
BioOne is proud to offer 71 titles from 54 members of our publishing community via our Subscribe to Open pilot, marking the largest number of independent publishers under a single S2O offer to date. The pilot offering includes titles that are available exclusively to researchers via BioOne Complete, representing societies, museums, research organizations, and independent presses. Among the pilot cohort are the first S2O titles published in Japan, Brazil, China, and Kenya. BioOne Complete will remain a mixed-model collection of subscribed, S2O, and gold OA titles, and will be rolled out to the library market in 2025 for a 2026 volume year launch."