The responsibility of publishing early outbreak data - The Lancet Infectious Diseases

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-10-22


"Oropouche fever is not the only situation to which these considerations apply; similar deliberations apply to mpox, H5N1, Marburg virus, and other ongoing outbreaks. Data gathering and timely publication is a prerequisite for informed outbreak responses. Furthermore, a lack of information can fuel fear and leave an opening for mis- and disinformation, which in turn might make public health responses and engagement of affected communities difficult....These are early suggestions of potential effects, which have not been confirmed in independent studies and even if confirmed, the scale and pervasiveness of any effects are unclear. However, we believe this knowledge will inform public health responses, focus resources, and garner urgency in studying the virus further, which is the first step to prevention and treatment."



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10/22/2024, 09:11

Date published:

10/22/2024, 05:11