The Challenges of Transitioning from Closed to Open Access Books | Copim

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-10-29


Grady, T., & Hopkins, K. (2024). The Challenges of Transitioning from Closed to Open Access Books. Copim.

By the end of the first phase of the Copim project (2020-2023) the Opening the Future open access monograph funding model could be described as a successful pilot with (cautious) grounds to believe it could extend well beyond that. This blog post examines progress made (and a few challenges encountered) since then, beginning with Copim ‘Phase 2’ the Open Book Futures project, 2023-2026.  



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
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Tags: oa.publishing oa.books oa.copim oa.opening_the_future oa.business_models oa.funding oa.conversions

Date tagged:

10/29/2024, 09:53

Date published:

10/29/2024, 11:46