Where Open Access Has Failed To Reform Academic Publishing, Perhaps Antitrust Law Will Succeed

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-10-30


"The open access movement has been trying for over 20 years to promote the widest access to knowledge. Sadly, as numerous Walled Culture posts have chronicled, what should be a matter of social justice has been subverted by clever and cynical moves from the academic publishing industry in order to retain their fabulous profit margins. As a result, the open access movement has failed to deliver cost-free access to academic papers, or to ease the process of sharing knowledge, at least on the scale that it initially aimed for. That makes a completely different approach to tackling the problems of academic publishing, using US antitrust laws, extremely interesting...."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Music and Digital Media » Techdirt.


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Glyn Moody

Date tagged:

10/30/2024, 17:12

Date published:

10/30/2024, 04:05