Collaborating for growth: Insights from Publisherspeak UK 2024, a scholarly publishing community gathering – part 1 - Venkataramani - Learned Publishing - Wiley Online Library
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-11-23
"The seamless exchange of content and metadata across industry bodies is only becoming increasingly relevant as Open Access publishing continues to evolve and grow. While the many benefits of interoperability are well-recognized by the industry, widespread, practical implementation can fall short due to technological, financial, and collaborative challenges.
At the core of the interoperability breakout session at Publisherspeak UK 2024 was the following problem statement formulated by the session chair: ‘Interoperability plays an increasingly important role in scholarly publishing—particularly in an Open Access world—by promoting accessibility, collaboration, discoverability, efficiency and data integration across the scholarly ecosystem. It fosters a more open, transparent, and interconnected research environment that aims to benefit researchers, institutions, funders, publishers and society as a whole. However, publishers face significant challenges, including outdated legacy systems, competing priorities and resource constraints. To address these obstacles effectively, we must collaborate closely to develop practical solutions. What are our biggest challenges? How effective is collaboration between publishers, researchers, institutions, standards bodies, and technology providers? And what support do we need to be successful?’ ..."