Changes to eLife’s indexing status in Web of Science and Scopus | Inside eLife | eLife
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-12-11
"To best serve the needs of researchers, eLife will provide a partial feed of research to be indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection. eLife will also move from the Scopus Journals Collection to the Scopus Preprints Collection....
We are not changing our publishing model. But in order to best serve researchers and provide the broadest possible coverage for research published with eLife, we have made the decision to provide a partial feed of eLife articles to Web of Science in order to maintain authors’ coverage in the index....
Our decision means the vast majority of eLife research will be eligible for inclusion in the Web of Science Core Collection. However, because we are not willing to change the eLife publishing model to accommodate Web of Science’s policies, eLife will be a partially indexed journal and as such not eligible for the Journal Impact Factor...."