NFDI4Earth FAIRness and Openness Commitment
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-12-20
"Data acquisition, simulation, integration, and analysis are crucial to understanding these complex processes. The Earth System Sciences community already embraces many Open Science practices, including making its many types of research outputs findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable for humans and machines (as stated in the The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship). Equal priority should be given to data management and analysis tools that enable data-driven methods. Efficient and effective use of research outputs, facilities, and funding, as well as appropriate reward systems and recognition of all research activities are equally important parts of Earth System Sciences data activities.
NFDI4Earth - the consortium for the Earth System Sciences within the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) - aims to become a central facilitator for research data management in the German Earth System Sciences community, enabling more open knowledge sharing. The mission of NFDI4Earth is to provide easy, efficient, open and, as far as possible, unrestricted and standardised access to all relevant Earth system data, scientific data management and data analysis services, and to ensure sustainable and quality-assured research data management infrastructures. This commitment will help to engage the NFDI4Earth community in shaping, promoting, and implementing the NFDI4Earth agenda. In the longer term, the results of this work will also help to drive the much needed change in the way research is evaluated, as expressed in the DORA and CoARA declarations.
NFDI4Earth invites institutions and individual researchers, laboratories, infrastructure providers, publishers, academic societies, government agencies, administrations, industry, funders, and research organisations (see the list of signatories) to sign the following statement of commitment and become ambassadors for change towards more FAIR and Open data practices in Earth System Sciences. To support this shift, the NFDI4Earth website provides background information and guidance for different stakeholders...."