Assessing the Ecosystem for Open Science Advancement in Tanzania | Journal of Information Management and Practices
peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-01-04
Abstract: This study aims to assess the favourable ecosystem for supporting OS in Tanzania and the factors hindering its adoption and implementation. Employing a cross-sectional research design, the study evaluates the enabling environment for Open Science adoption and practices within Tanzania. The study population comprises academicians, researchers, students, librarians, and science communicators. A total of 144 participants took part in the survey, predominantly early career researchers affiliated with both public and private institutions.
The findings underscore that to some extent several institutions within Tanzania provides some kind of support for open science practices. This support manifests through the provision of Institutional Repositories, online journal publishing systems, financial coverage for publishing processing charges, and the establishment of improved mechanisms for researchers to share their publications and data. Nonetheless, the results also highlight several challenges. These include a lack of awareness regarding OS practices, absence of institutional policies, inadequate budget allocation to cover article processing charges (APCs), and the high costs associated with publishing in prestigious Open Access (OA) journals.
Concerted efforts at both national and institutional levels to foster the widespread adoption of OS practices in Tanzania should be put in place. The efforts should focus on enhancing awareness, developing comprehensive policies, allocating adequate budgets to support APCs, and exploring strategies to mitigate the financial barriers associated with publishing in prestigious OA journals. By addressing these challenges proactively, Tanzania can pave the way for a more robust and inclusive research ecosystem aligned with the principles of Open Science.