Upgrading Data Sharing Policies to Maximize Utility and Impact in Genetics and Genomics Research - Hu - 2024 - Advanced Genetics - Wiley Online Library
peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-01-11
"This month, Advanced Genetics is joining other Wiley journals in implementing a “Mandates Data Sharing” policy (Data Sharing Policy | Wiley) (https://authorservices.wiley.com/author-resources/Journal-Authors/open-access/data-sharing-citation/data-sharing-policy.html). We and the other participating journals require that authors openly share data underlying their publications and upgrade our editorial workflows to better support data sharing and optional data peer-review. This initiative covers 88 Wiley Journals by now across various fields, such as cell and molecular biology, genetics, geoscience, microbiology, plant science, physics, computer science, and social science (Table S1, Supporting Information). We also intend to mandate minimum standards for that data, as per an initiative that began in 2023 with a group of Wiley Ecology & Evolution Journals.[3] It aligns with the focus on open science and open data sharing from major science funders around the world. The declaration from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in 2022, which strengths data sharing requirements for US-funded researchers, is only one example of this growing trend (https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2022/08/25/breakthroughs-for-alldelivering-equitable-access-to-americas-research/)...."