Open Science in Archaeology: An Unconference | Open Working

peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-01-15


"The first day was the main event, which started with a short presentation on the programme. After that, there was an interactive game of Open Science-themed icebreaker bingo, where participants were encouraged to mingle and ask each other questions to find out who matched the statements on their sheets. The code to produce the bingo sheets can be found on Github.

The first session in the morning consisted of four parallel workshops. Alex Brandsen from Leiden University demonstrated how to create nice, reproducible data visualisations in Python. Alexandre Peixe from TU Delft showed participants how to present and visualise data as a knowledge graph. Jules Schoonman from TU Delft showcased Allmaps, a powerful open source tool for georeferencing archaeological plans. And Pascal Flohr and Adam Benfer from Leiden University led a discussion on the implications of sharing archaeological location data. While they also presented on practical solutions on how to obfuscate site locations, the main challenge is to find the balance between protecting potentially sensitive location data (e.g. to prevent looting) and to share data as openly as possible to allow optimal reuse...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.anthropology oa.open_science oa.archaeology oa.ssh oa.ssh

Date tagged:

01/15/2025, 10:00

Date published:

01/15/2025, 05:00