Building Metrics for Theses Repositories

peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-02-09


Abstract:   The ShodhGangotri of INFLIBNET Centre is a repository of research synopses of Indian Universities. The present study applying webometric method analyzes the contents of the same available till 31st July, 2019. The analysis of the data throws light on many aspects on the research trends of Indian Universities. A total of 6574submitted synopses have been uploaded in the repository covering 34 different disciplines or subjects by 449 Departments of 70 Indian Universities. There is a wide range of differences in the Supervisor and Scholar ratio of the research while 1205 faculty members are guiding a single scholar, on the other hand a single supervisor is also found to guide 27 scholars. Guiding 16 to 27 scholars by a single supervisor is also observed. The result gives current research trends and its progress in various Indian Universities. Being the only Research in Progress Database of Indian Universities ShodhGangotri can play a crucial role to avoid duplication of research and to let the researchers know about the general trends of research in various fields of study in the country.


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Tags: oa.repositories oa.etds oa.metrics oa.india oa.south

Date tagged:

02/09/2025, 14:57

Date published:

02/09/2025, 09:57