Briefing paper on the development of rights retention policies in the UK

peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-02-26


"SCONUL has published and update on the current position on the development of rights retention policies in the UK. This shows that around 60% of institutions either have a policy in place or one in development. For institutions in Jisc bands 1-5b, 71% of institutions already have one in place or expect to in this academic year.

The briefing paper also includes a useful case study from Brunel University highlighting savings of £47k as a result of having a RRP policy in place.

Please note that this briefing is confidential to the UK HE library community and is not for onward circulation or publication. The paper is available here and you will need to log in to access it."



02/26/2025, 09:21

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Date tagged:

02/26/2025, 14:22

Date published:

01/23/2025, 09:21