Draft, Revised Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications

peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-02-26


"Agency grantees and chairholders must acknowledge Agency contributions in all research outputs, including but not limited to peer-reviewed research articles, that were funded, in whole or in part, by the Agency, quoting the funder name and funding reference number (e.g., FRN, Application ID). Further details describing funder acknowledgement requirements will be provided in the final Policy.

Agency grantees and chairholder award recipients must deposit their research article in a Canadian institutional repository at the time of publication, even where the article is freely available on the publisher website. The version deposited may be either the version of record (VoR) or author-accepted manuscript (AAM) and must be deposited under an open license (Creative Commons or equivalent).

The Agencies have implemented a rights retention strategy to facilitate compliance with this policy at no additional cost to the researcher. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of their grant or award, grantees and chairholders must retain rights over the dissemination of any peer-reviewed research article arising from agency-funded research. Researchers are asked to inform the publisher and/or journal of their obligations and rights under the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications when submitting their article for publication. Instructions and a template letter will be provided, linked to the final Policy.

In cases where authors are prohibited by the journal and/or publisher from depositing the VoR or AAM in a repository at the time of publication, preprints deposited under an open license will be accepted as compliant with this policy. Preprints should be marked as “unrefereed version”. ..."



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Date tagged:

02/26/2025, 15:57

Date published:

02/26/2025, 10:57