National Academy of Sciences: 2024-2028 Strategic Plan

peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-02-27


"ACTION 2A2. Expand Based on Science as an outlet for disseminating accurate science from NRC products when it is of interest to the public. Launched originally to provide authoritative answers to common questions for which existing online advice was deeply flawed and not based on science, this website grew in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Science writers produce articles based on experts’ input, ensuring that they are accessible. Given the growth of misinformation, supporting this outlet should be an important part of the NAS strategy to ensure that the public has access to authoritative science....

ACTION 3C1. Promote discussion and consensus on a more complete set of merit indicators for professional advancement that recognize excellence, impact, and public service. There is growing awareness that current promotion and tenure decisions are far too focused on publications in high-profile journals. Other essential contributions to the research enterprise such as mentoring, promoting diversity, communicating with the public, improving the research process, or striving to elevate public trust in science are either not recognized or insufficiently rewarded. This issue should be addressed by the Strategic Council for Research Excellence, Integrity, and Trust, which should produce and disseminate new guidelines...." 


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Date tagged:

02/27/2025, 13:39

Date published:

02/27/2025, 08:38