Open Science Policies: Eine Handreichung · Open Research Office Berlin
peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-03-11
From Google's English: "This guide offers practical support for the development and implementation of open science policies at universities and scientific organizations in Germany. It is aimed at researchers, teachers, science managers and science support staff. The aim is to establish open science as an integral part of the entire research process - from data production to publication. The policy cycle, a structured five-part approach, serves as a methodological foundation for designing policies in a well-founded and flexible manner. The guide leads through the phases of the policy cycle, starting with the agenda-setting phase, in which awareness of open science is created. This is followed by the formulation and legitimation of the policy process, which ensure broad acceptance by involving stakeholders and institutional bodies. Implementation and regular evaluation round off the cycle. There are checklists for each phase for orientation. The manual is based on five case studies - Helmholtz Association, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, University of Konstanz, University of Potsdam and Berlin University Alliance. These show how open science policies can be developed and implemented in different contexts and offer practical insights into challenges and successes. It is important to note that there can be no uniform blueprint for the policy process, so the various checklists support different contexts and questions."