Position statement on Open Access to research outputs in Italy (March 2013)

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-04-17


"The Conference of Rectors of the Italian Universities and the Italian Public Research Institutions, being aware of the benefits of Open Access for National Research in terms of visibility, promotion and dissemination, commit themselves to act coordinately in order to achieve the success of Open Access in Italy by: 
[1] encouraging the creation of OA repositories and technological infrastructures allowing access to, preservation and dissemination of data and publications both at a National and at a global level. These infrastructures should be implemented according to International interoperability standards and will capitalize on the OpenAIRE portal or other initiatives to be developed within the European Research Area (ERA) in order to maximize the visibility of European research;
[2] encouraging researchers to make their research results (data and publications) available in OA journals or Institutional or subject repositories. Research results deposited in Open Access repositories should be made available in their post-print or publisher's version upon publication, and no longer than 12 months after their publication;
[3] contributing to an effective fulfillment of Open Access principles through the adoption of Institutional policies and rules asking researchers to deposit their publications in Institutional OA repositories. If such a repository does not exist, researchers should use other institutions’ or subject repositories to deposit their publications and data. 
[4] lobbying National government so that Italy, as other European countries are doing, can adopt and support a National strategy on Open Access, based on specific policies and rules...."



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Date tagged:

04/17/2013, 20:35

Date published:

04/17/2013, 16:35