Report on Six National Workshops and the National Task Forces
peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-04-18
"This report provides information on six national Open Access (OA) workshops organized by the partners of the MedOANet Project (France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Turkey) between October 2012 and January 2013. The goal of the national workshops was “to actively engage policy-makers and other key players with the ability to effect change in coordination, practices, strategies and policies” to increase awareness of and commitment towards Open Access to make the outcomes of publicly-funded research freely available, according to the European Commission’s recommendations.
All partners first set up their national Open Access Task Forces comprising stakeholders from research funding organizations, research performing organizations, academic and research libraries, as well as from publishing industry. Meetings were held in each country to plan the national workshops and identify the key policy-makers and stakeholders to be invited to the workshops along with Open Access experts and speakers.
What follows is an account of outcomes of six national workshops in regard to making key players and stakeholders familiar with Open Access issues and engaging them in the development and implementation of national action plans with effective policies, strategies and structures in the near future...."