Diverse Coalition Launches to Promote Balanced Copyright Law, Creativity and Free Speech - Re:Create
peter.suber's bookmarks 2015-05-01
"Organizations from across the political spectrum, companies and associations joined forces today to launch Re:Create, a new coalition dedicated to promoting balanced copyright laws in the United States.
The coalition, with members ranging from the American Library Association to the R Street Institute to the Computer and Communications Industry Association and Consumer Electronics Association, will work to ensure that copyright laws are clear, simple and transparent, while also fostering innovation, creativity, education and economic growth. Re:Create will focus on engaging and informing lawmakers about the need to support exceptions and limitations, such as fair use and safe harbors, curbing statutory damages and combating abusive copyright enforcement practices ... The following are members of the Re:Create Coalition: American Library Association, Association of Research Libraries, Center for Democracy & Technology, Computer and Communications Industry Association, Consumer Electronics Association, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Media Democracy Fund, New America’s Open Technology Institute, Public Knowledge, and R Street Institute ..."