Top 20 Library Scandals in Recent History – John Hubbard – Medium

peter.suber's bookmarks 2017-05-12


"In gathering entries for this list, I found it depressing to browse through decades of stories about how we need to do more in supporting open access; fighting against the erosion of Fair Use and privacy; and embracing technological advancements. Careerism and continued hand-wringing over bookless libraries, journal and textbook costs, and future trends continues, while the world around us has evolved considerably. Commercial powerhouses now exist where libraries once stood, largely because we didn’t stake our claim in new areas. We’re also the reason Sci-Hub exists, I would argue. Meanwhile, a sizable chunk of the profession continues to preach a form of paleo-librarianship, against altering what we do in any significant way...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.libraries oa.librarians oa.sci-hub oa.fair_use oa.copyright oa.guerrilla

Date tagged:

05/12/2017, 13:44

Date published:

05/12/2017, 09:44