Springer Nature: Open in Order to Advance Discovery - Research in progress blog

peter.suber's bookmarks 2017-10-31


"Last week we celebrated Open Access Week, an annual, global event which gives the research and academic community the chance to share open access news and knowledge in the aim of making it the new norm in academic publishing. Here we share some of the most exciting Open Access Week activities across Springer Nature."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป lkfitz's bookmarks


oa.new oa.springer_nature oa.oa_week oa.publishers oa.video oa.gold oa.europe oa.growth oa.data oa.open_science oa.chemistry oa.deposits oa.green oa.reports oa.journals oa.repositories

Date tagged:

10/31/2017, 14:45

Date published:

10/31/2017, 10:45