Kopernio | One-click access to PDF articles

peter.suber's bookmarks 2017-11-19


"Kopernio is a browser plugin that finds the best available PDF of an academic article while you browse. Behind the scenes Kopernio will search open databases and (where possible) your university's subscriptions to find the best version of the paper for you. The best article PDF is never more than a click away....You can sign up with any email address. However, features requiring library integration only work if tell us the name of your institution....Kopernio integrates with library proxies to retrieve research articles from library subscriptions. If your library is supported, Kopernio will configure this for you automatically. Kopernio also indexes a range of additional data sources from which PDFs can be retrieved:

Open access publishers

Institutional repositories

Pre-print servers

Google Scholar

Your Kopernio search history...

Where possible, Kopernio will retrieve the final published version of the journal article. For non open-access articles which are not available via your institutional subscription, Kopernio will try find an alternative version instead. Alternative versions include pre-prints and author manuscripts deposited in institutional repositories...."



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Date tagged:

11/19/2017, 17:06

Date published:

11/19/2017, 10:42