Library and information science publishing: global open access - Strathprints

peter.suber's bookmarks 2017-12-17


McCulloch, Emma and Brown, Kristina (2005) Library and information science publishing: global open access. Library and Information Research News, 29 (92). pp. 64-66. ISSN 0141-6561. "Brief article describing E-LIS, an open access repository for library and information science material in a range of formats and languages. E-LIS was set up in 2003 with initial funding from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, in line with the Free Online Scholarship (FOS) and Eprints movements, and based on Open Archive Initiative (OAI) standards. The central E-LIS server is based in Italy, at the Italian Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per Elaborazione Automatica (CILEA). Around 15 partners and editors located in 30+ countries throughout the world support this non-commercial venture, with staff working on a voluntary basis to promote and help populate the repository."


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Date tagged:

12/17/2017, 08:36

Date published:

12/17/2017, 03:36