What does good open data look like? – Open Data Charter – Medium

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-01-09


"Governments and organisations are collecting increasing amounts of data on everything from the weather, to shopping habits, to the how public money is spent. This represents a huge opportunity for improving the provision of public services and spurring inclusive economic growth.

In tandem with this explosion of the creation of data, there has been a growing movement to publish government information in a way that everyone can access, use and share. The Open Data Charter was born out of a desire to develop a shared set of principles for how to do this well.

The six Charter principles were developed in 2015 by governments, civil society and experts around the world. They represent a globally-agreed set of aspirational norms for how to publish data. Since then they have been adopted and endorsed by over 90 governments and organisations...."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
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Date tagged:

01/09/2018, 15:33

Date published:

01/09/2018, 04:09