Cambridge University Press issues public statement on Plan S | Cambridge University Press

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-10-19


"We fully endorse the benefits of open research and recognize the recent announcements about Plan S as an important contribution to the conversation about the ongoing transition.

There is a wide range of views about how to move forward with open research across different parts of the global academic community, which means the debate about how it should develop needs a process of wide consultation, as happened with the UK’s Finch report on open access six years ago.

We believe there are a number of specific developments which could help open research and its longer-term sustainability, including areas we have been working on such as:

1)    Wider adoption of new business models which have been put in place in some countries, particularly models allowing APC-free open access including read-and-publish deals;

2)    Improvements to the hybrid journal model to support academic communities where a full transition to open access isn’t yet possible;

3)    A community standard for a fair and balanced Green OA policy, with publishers supporting institutions to meet funders’ open access requirements;

4)  Ensuring academic freedom for researchers about where they can publish...."


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Date tagged:

10/19/2018, 16:32

Date published:

10/19/2018, 12:32