The open access policy of the University of Liège is multiplyi...
peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-11-22
"The University of Luxembourg is very young, celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. It already had a homegrown publication server “that was not satisfactory”. In 2009 and 2010, the teams in charge of finding a new institutional server approached the University of Liège (ULg). “We established a partnership to create a kind of ORBi [institutional archive of ULg’s publications], but above all to develop a transfer of knowledge.”...
“We were strongly supported by the Rector in Liège, Bernard Rentier, and Paul Thirion. They can be very convincing.” ...
According to Paul Thiron, head of the library network of ULg, “to make an ORBi succeed, we need a strong institutional mandate that responds to researchers’ needs, as well as a significant effort to communicate with them. Our partners in Luxembourg achieved that brilliantly.” 24 hours after it went online, some 100 articles had been deposited. After two days, ORBilu had reached over 400 publications for a university with only 1,300 faculty members. “The work in the laboratories and with members of the university began a long time before it went online,” explains Marie-Pierre Pausch-Antoine.
Our neighbors from Belgium and Luxembourg have got it right. If what is at stake for scientists is better visibility for their work, and if the deposit process is simple and fast, then they will publish their articles in open access. The MyScienceWork team is particularly glad that the announcement of ORBilu’s creation happened to occur on the same day as the launch of the institutional archive HAL by the University Lille 3. It will be a real pleasure for MyScienceWork to spread the word and, one day, to encompass all these articles in open access within its search engine...."