[Letter of resignation from editors of Elsevier's Journal of Informatics]

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-01-14


"Based on the letter from Ms. Mesquita on October 9, 2018, we would like to inform you that there are insufficient grounds for us to continue our collaboration with Elsevier as members of the Editorial Board of Journal of Informetrics (JOI). We therefore offer our resignation as JOI editorial board members, effective immediately.

We are disappointed that ownership of JOI and the amount of Article Publishing Charges (APCs) of JOI are non-negotiable for Elsevier. Moreover, we deeply regret that Elsevier is not willing to participate in the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC). This initiative has broad support in the field of scientometrics (http://issi-society.org/open-citations-letter/) and Elsevier is the only publisher in our field that has not joined the initiative. Because our position on ownership, open access, and open citations is fundamentally irreconcilable with the position of Elsevier, we consider it is no longer in the interest of our community to continue working together with Elsevier as members of the JOI editorial board.

We will honor those obligations we have assumed for manuscripts currently under consideration. We will not, however, assume any additional responsibilities for new submissions received...."



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Date tagged:

01/14/2019, 09:12

Date published:

01/14/2019, 04:12